
Weekend Staycation in NYC

So this was the year that we actually had a weekend away to ourselves! I didn't know it at the time, but aren't the best of plans the ones that are completely spontaneous? My husband and I have been dreaming/discussing/contemplating a trip by ourselves for years, always imagining it to be pretty far away. But… Continue reading Weekend Staycation in NYC

Travel, Uncategorized

Christmas in D.C.

It's become a sort of tradition to plan a staycation during the winter holidays, mainly because it's such a crazy time to fly anywhere- prices are high and airports are madness. I think the only year we didn't do a staycation was December 2020, for obvious reasons. Before COVID-19, in December of 2019 we had… Continue reading Christmas in D.C.

Toddler, Travel

A Day Out: Please Touch Museum

To continue our staycation this new year's, we visited the Please Touch Children's Museum of Philadelphia. Like several other parents, who were fighting the cold weather, looking for something warm, indoors and kid-friendly, we found ourselves in a super-crowded museum on new year's eve. But it was still quite enjoyable, and our kids loved it.… Continue reading A Day Out: Please Touch Museum