
Reflections of a Third Time & Covid Child Mom

Since September began and both my school-going girls snuggled into a routine of getting up-breakfast-school-home-eat-homework-sleep-school (The constant go-go-go life is another topic of its own), I found myself sliding back into my role as a mom who needed to plan out activities all week long to keep my toddler occupied. I've been here before, granted… Continue reading Reflections of a Third Time & Covid Child Mom

Motherhood, Uncategorized

And we’re back!

Hello! And welcome back to my blog, SweetDreamer! I'm so excited to welcome you back here and begin posting blogs again. It's been just under two years since I last posted, funnily enough my last post was about expecting a third baby..and now she's a 2 year old! But I'm happy to say that I'll… Continue reading And we’re back!