
Reflections of a Third Time & Covid Child Mom

Since September began and both my school-going girls snuggled into a routine of getting up-breakfast-school-home-eat-homework-sleep-school (The constant go-go-go life is another topic of its own), I found myself sliding back into my role as a mom who needed to plan out activities all week long to keep my toddler occupied. I've been here before, granted… Continue reading Reflections of a Third Time & Covid Child Mom

Raising Muslim Kids

Special Ramadan Storytime at Preschool

This was the first year that I mustered up the courage to volunteer a special Ramadan Storytime at my daughters' daycare [Preschool]. With the political climate, it's always a scary step to take to introduce our religious traditions in a non-Muslim setting, but also it's so crucial. For me, this is not something new. I distinctly… Continue reading Special Ramadan Storytime at Preschool

Raising Muslim Kids

Introducing Junior PreK: Sunday School Class

It wasn't long ago that I was approached to lead a class for the children who didn't qualify for PreK at our local Sunday school. The main driving factor for me to commit to anything is always my children. The fact that both my children would be able to participate in this class, well that's… Continue reading Introducing Junior PreK: Sunday School Class

Motherhood, Toddler

Why Preschool at 2.5 was the Right Choice

We began our daughter Ridha Zaynab's preschool when she just turned two and a half. The truth is ever since Ridha turned 2 years old, it became challenging to keep her content with enough to do at home, especially since I had her younger sister to take care of too. Being a stay-at-home-parent, the duties… Continue reading Why Preschool at 2.5 was the Right Choice


How to Choose the Right Nursery/Preschool

I have done my fair share of research and read several articles by lovely mums who have been through the process of selecting a child care facility fit for their little ones. It is such a vital choice that we as parents make for our child. The decision to A. Put our little one in… Continue reading How to Choose the Right Nursery/Preschool

Motherhood, Toddler

First Day of Nursery

Disclaimer: I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I write all this so that I can remember it. Happy Reading!  The Night Before... I am transported to years of going through the motions of getting ready the night before my first day of school. The same anticipatory jitters and marking off items… Continue reading First Day of Nursery